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2. Sign up for The Beanstalk
- Joel's FREE monthly newsletter!
Use the form to the right, or see the archive here.

Take Action!
The Beanstalk Project is about taking action, so take action!  What action?  That's up to you.  Get involved with something you care about.  Do SOMETHING to make the world a better place.  No ideas?  Challenges coming soon!
Do you have a great project idea?  Need help?
Email: ideas@thebeanstalkproject.org

4.  Participate in a Launch!

For high school students: We need enthusiastic delegates who want to build their skills and become social entrepreneurs!
Check out the Launch events near you!

5. Become a Mentor!

We need positive mentors and facilitators who want to connect with students and help ensure the ideas turn into action!  No launch event near you?  No problem!  Fill out the form to be included in our e-database and work to connect you with students in your area.  Send us your info!
Email: mentor@thebeanstalkproject.org

6. Become a member and volunteer!

The Beanstalk Project is in its forming stages, and we need your help!  Send a quick email, and we'll find a meaningful way for you to contribute!
Email: volunteer@thebeanstalkproject.org

7. Apply to organize a Launch in your area!

If you're exceptionally enthusiastic about youth engagement & social change and want to bring this opportunity to students in your area, let's talk!
Email: joel@thebeanstalkproject.org
Volunteer! The Beanstalk Project

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Exciting Speakers! - Joel Hilchey - The Beanstalk Project
Joel Hilchey & Rohit - The Beanstalk Project